Welcome to the first of many posts. Because Im not trustworthy with my procrastinating Im going to put my weekly blog between Tuesday and Wednesday for posting. My goal in mind will be to illustrate for every Illustration Friday Ive missed in the last two years along with the recent ones announced every week. Im not sure will there will get me. My style has always been a road block for me. I love what I do and how it looks but i'm caught between mediums and what really makes me happy or just looks neat. Since i'm stuck down this path I'll just have to go off into the woods and walk around in the dark for a while. Hopefully I don't trip and fall on my face.
With that said, first two words are Talk and Unicorn. Talk was inspired by kids who talk to ghosts of animals and Unicorns was inspired by the new fad of Unicorn Hot Chocolate. Hope you all like them!
Love it. As an artist myself, I completely understand your struggle. Keep it up, your style is great :)
Thank you so much :)