Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New and Old

I have been pretty busy lately with work redesigning everything that advertises me. But I have been more lazy then usual when getting myself to illustrate. Hopefully a daily list of things to do will help me achieve my goals every week. This project was inspired when I found old magazines and paintings. I was always told to never throw art work away but I really don't see the point in keeping things I hate that take up space. So I'm using all my old work to collage some very amazing new things. Collages will be posted in the next week or so.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Design

After months of procrastinating I finally got to revising and redesigning my business card and resume. Both are simple and cute. My resume will be available on my new website. Hopefully I can get that done in the next month or so. A word of advice, keep your friends close and your graphic design friends closer. They give amazing feedback. Also hope you like my new banner! Later in the week I'll post some cute things I'm still struggling to finish.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Space Mural

So here's a few thumbnail paintings of what could be my cousins baby mural. I would have done more but I didn't have much paper that was appropriate for acrylic paint (wall paint). It was a fun project and I would love some feedback. I plan to revise the one chosen and add or take away what works and what doesn't. I can replace a planet or spaceship. I was also thinking it might be cute to have a boarder of the alphabet or numbers around the mural or somehow incorporate the baby's name somewhere. Since the actual mural will be larger then these I can also add more detail and objects!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The beginning

Where to start, where to start. I know it has been a while since I updated my blog but don't fear there is lots to come! For now this will be one of my larger projects. I have been looking into agents for a while and now I need a up to date manuscript to send out and show my skills. I can't exactly use anything I created in school because I spent so much time developing a new style. For my first attempt at a book in literally a year I decided to use a Grimm's fairy tale to help my style fit into a book format. I'll deal with my own stories when I get back into the rhythm of illustrating.

I am retelling the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. Here's examples of books I looked into. The styles and ideas were all very different. My own is a bit odd from the original but I really didn't see the point of retelling it word by word. Also I can finally use my collaged wolf as one of the main characters. My thumbs are also put up but good luck reading them. Hopefully I can get the story written up by tonight and have a photo shoot within the next few weeks.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers day!

Here's a card I made my mom for mothers day! I would like to make a more detailed illustration on when I used to collect buttercups and my mom would put them in tiny vases all over our house. Maybe I can get that done later this month but for now just this and a photo of my mom and me :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fishy Heaven Complete

So I know this one took me a little longer but it was a larger piece and this week has been so busy. I would say it took me about 30 hours in total. Not too bad but with my next one i'll try to plan it out a bit better.  I also wanted to congratulate all my illustration friends who had survey today at Pratt. Everyone's survey wall was amazing and inspiring and I really can't wait to see what people do with their work. :)